Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Supreme Court: Even Partially Prevailing Parties Can Win Attorneys Fees in ERISA Litigation

On Monday, an almost unanimous United States Supreme Court held that certain parties can be awarded attorney fees from the opposing party even if they are not "prevailing parties" in the litigation. Hardt v. Reliance Standard Life Ins. Co., No. No.09-448 (5/14/10). In that case, the plaintiff sued the defendant insurance company when it denied her LTD benefits for carpal tunnel syndrome. The trial court found that she had presented compelling evidence that she was totally disabled and that the defendant had acted on incomplete medical evidence. Instead of granting her summary judgment, however, the trial court remanded the case to the insurance company to reconsider its prior decision within 30 days. Not surprisingly under the circumstances, the defendant reversed its decision and awarded the plaintiff benefits. The trial court then awarded her attorney fees under ERISA §1131(g)(1). The Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals reversed on the grounds that the plaintiff had never obtained an enforceable court judgment and, thus, was not a "prevailing party." With Justice Thomas writing the majority opinion, the Supreme Court reversed on the grounds that the specific statutory provision permits the trial court discretion to award attorney fees to either party, not merely prevailing parties. Justice Stevens concurred separately.

The insurance company initial denied the LTD claim based on its evaluation of the results of her functional capacity evaluation (showing she was capable of some sedentary work). After she appealed, it reversed itself and found she was totally disabled from her current occupation (clerical) and could have benefits for 24 months. In the meantime, the plaintiff was diagnosed with "small-fiber neuropathy, a condition that increased her pain and decreased her physical capabilities over the ensuing months." She applied for and received social security benefits on the grounds that she was completely disabled from working. The insurance company notified her that her LTD benefits were about to run out and demanded repayment for about $14K because of her receipt of SSA benefits. She appealed and provided updated medical information. The insurance company again asked for a capacity evaluation, but did not ask the evaluator to consider her neuropathy problems. The evaluators requested two evaluations and complained that the plaintiff was refusing to try out of fear of pain. The defendant then hired a physician and vocational counselor to resolve her appeal, but the physician concluded that she might improve after reviewing only some of her medical records and the counselor opined that there were 8 jobs she was capable of performing based on her 2003 medical condition (before the neuropathy was diagnosed). Thus, the insurance company terminated her benefits in 2006.

After exhausting her administrative remedies, the plaintiff filed suit in federal court. The court denied cross-motions for summary judgment. However, the court found compelling evidence that the plaintiff was completely disabled and the defendant had failed to properly review her medical records. Thus, it remanded the case for 30 days to the insurance company to reconsider its prior decision. After the insurance company reversed itself again, the plaintiff requested to be awarded attorney fees.

ERISA's section 1132(g)(1) provides: "In any action under this subchapter (other than an action described in paragraph (2)[i.e, recovering delinquent contributions on behalf of a multi-employer plan]) by a participant, beneficiary, or fiduciary, the court in its discretion may allow a reasonable attorney's fee and costs of action to either party." Based on the plain text of the statute, the Supreme Court found that it was erroneous to limit the recovery fees to a prevailing party and, instead, held that it is within the trial court's discretion to award fees "as long as the fee claimant has achieved 'some degree of success on the merits.'" Unlike §1132(g)(2) which limits fees to a party who obtains a judgment for the plan, there is no mention of "prevailing party" in that section of the statute.

To guide courts faced with this decision in the future, the court then analyzed when it would be appropriate to award attorney fees under §1132(g)(1). The basic principle of the "American Rule" is that each party pays their own attorney unless provided otherwise by statute or contract. Statutory standards vary widely from prevailing party, to substantially successful litigant, to when appropriate to the court's discretion. The Court found the most analogous situation to involve a similar statute under the Clean Air Act which permits an award of fees "when appropriate." Even in that situation, the Court found that Congress did not intend to completely abandon the American Rule and would still require some success by the party to obtain its aims in the litigation before it would be awarded fees. Thus, fees are available to partially prevailing parties who achieved some success.

A claimant does not satisfy that requirement by achieving "trivial success on the merits" or a "purely procedural victor[y]," but does satisfy it if the court can fairly call the outcome of the litigation some success on the merits without conducting a "lengthy inquir[y] into the question whether a particular party's success was 'substantial' or occurred on a 'central issue.'"

In this case, the plaintiff convinced the court that the defendant insurance company had failed to comply with ERISA in reviewing her request for benefits. Summary judgment in her favor was only denied in order to give the insurance company another chance to evaluate her application – something it had already done several times before she initiate the litigation. Only because of the trial court's instruction did the insurance company reverse itself. Thus, the plaintiff achieved victory even without a court order.

These facts establish that [the plaintiff] has achieved far more than "trivial success on the merits" or a "purely procedural victory." Accordingly, she has achieved "some success on the merits," and the District Court properly exercised its discretion to award [the plaintiff] attorney's fees in this case.

No further remand was deemed necessary.

NOTICE: This summary is designed merely to inform and alert you of recent legal developments. It does not constitute legal advice and does not apply to any particular situation because different facts could lead to different results. Information here can change or be amended without notice. Readers should not act upon this information without legal advice. If you have any questions about anything you have read, you should consult with or retain an employment attorney.