Thursday, October 6, 2011

NLRB Delays New Posting Requirement Until 2012

[Editor's Note: Just in time for Xmas, the NLRB announced that the new requirement would be delayed yet again (at the request of a federal court hearing an employer challenge to the new rule) until April 30.]

Yesterday, the NLRB announced that it was delaying from November 14 until January 31, 2012 the new requirement for employers to post a notice explaining employees' rights under the National Labor Relations Act. The reason given is to give the NLRB time to reach out and educate small and medium sized employers as to who is and is not subject to the NLRA.

NOTICE: This summary is designed merely to inform and alert you of recent legal developments. It does not constitute legal advice and does not apply to any particular situation because different facts could lead to different results. Information here can change or be amended without notice. Readers should not act upon this information without legal advice. If you have any questions about anything you have read, you should consult with or retain an employment attorney.